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几十年来,女性领导者在体育界的代表性不足和缺乏发展机会已被确定。尽管采取了各种努力来纠正这种情况,但体育领导力仍然由男性和男性主导。 2013 年,创建了 WSLA 来改变这一点。 

We know that women encounter issues and barriers to advance within systems of sport leadership. Crucially however, we do not aim to “fix”, “upskill” or “teach” women. We know that women already have the skills and knowledge to excel. Instead, we challenge our participants to really think about what leadership means to them, what they want to achieve, how they can go about doing it, and provide insight into tackling problematic systems and cultures. WSLA facilitates a personal learning experience, cultivated within a safe, multicultural, diverse, trusting environment, that will impact you in ways you could never anticipate.

WSLA is premised upon four objectives to support the further development of participants. We term these The four Cs: competencies, confidence, context, and commitment.

leadership Competencies

to support female leaders to enhance their leadership skills and behaviours to navigate the challenges that are part of leading an organisation


to encourage female leaders to identify their strengths, goals and ambitions to support their desired career path; championing who they are and others around them


to understand the organisational and cultural environment, recognising opportunities and challenges, and influencing fellow allies and champions to create positive change

Commitment of employers

to engage with the employers of female leaders and support their ongoing development and wider influence



designed and delivered in partnership with


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WSLA 领导理念

WSLA 计划有两个关键目标,支持参与者在以下方面的进一步发展:


  • 领导能力——支持女性领导者进一步发展他们的领导能力或行为,巩固自己的领导风格,让她们成为自己想成为的人,并应对领导组织的挑战

  • 自信——鼓励女性领导者发现自己的优势、追求目标、抓住机会并推进自己的职业道路。他们将有信心捍卫自己和他人的进步

Our commitment to participants

51 women from 24 countries have been financially supported by WSLA to attend our residential week programmes in the UK since 2014. Every year, we do all we can to ensure we continue this important commitment and ensure the diversity of thought and experiences amongst the cohort.

Further, we host a competitive application process for graduates to return as support facilitators on a residential week programme. The graduate benefits from skills development and mentorship with our expert team at Leading Edge Performance.

奇切斯特大学 I College Lane I Chichester

PO19 6PE |英国


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